Happy Halloween everyone and stay safe out there!

Please check out our new features overview video for an indepth look at what’s coming up in Subverse’s next major content patch in November!

Video Update SFOW

Without further ado, here’s what the team’s been working on during spooky season:


I’ve been honing my predatory skills and can see in blue, green and orange.
Lighting, post process and optimizing Fortunes pandora scenes so that even the mushiest potato can witness the greatness. Enjoy!


Animation is currently one release ahead, so this month I’ve returned to Pandora duties, tackling scenes for the 0.7 and 0.8 updates. Going into it would spoil future content, so here’s a graphical asset from the game for serious and objective consideration.

Massimo Decimo Meridio

I finished a bunch of grid combat animations during October and I moved back to Pandora to work on some future waifus!


For this October, I’ve finished a space whale sex animation! The next phase is to add some voice over before lip synching and lighting.

My next project for this month is another threesome scene of Captain, [spoiler] and Elaisha sex animation.


I’ve been working and lurking behind the scenes experimenting and working on a few proof-of-concept things for some ideas that we’re playing with. Apart from that I’m also about to get my hands dirty with in-game character animations for the grid combat game play for the first time.

I’ve been wanting to try my hands with fight scenes for a long time so getting to do a few combat animations is pretty exciting to me. I was tasked with Cicalo’s kit and I managed to finish it up this week.

Hungry JJ


Since the last update, I have been learning and working on more areas of the game. Primarily I have been focusing on character integration during story sequences, PANDORA scene integration and Grid Combat gameplay.

With the addition of 2 new mantics, 2 new GC missions, the Requital faction, sidequest characters and Fortune, I have been able to work with some members on the team more and some that I hardly cross paths with workwise. Gratefully, everyone on the team past and present have been supportive by providing documentation or scheduling a quick meeting to assist get a grasp on these new areas.

Samantha Flowers

Hello everyone,
I have been hard at work re-adjusting the post processing and lighting for all the visual novel scenes from THE VERY BEGINNING of the game, all the way up to our latest upcoming update. It has been a new learning experience for me, which is great, since it feels like it’s been a long time since I last learned new things about the engine! Please check out our end results. I hope this might inspire some of our players to revisit their unlocked scenes in their archive menu!


This month I worked on a couple of interactive maps, most of which will be an integral part to the devotion quests. Among them is this cool underwater scene which I had fun putting together.


The graphic design needs for this block are already covered, so this month I’ve had the opportunity to work more on testing and VFX creation while I’m getting more familiar with the back-end processes of the game development! #creatingmagic

Bangkok ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

While keeping up with the implementation of designs that revolved around a few boss fights, I worked and still working on the finalization of the Waifu-oriented devotion quests gameplay flow. I will be finalizing many of my designs in the upcoming month as I enter the final run.

Some of these designs include:

  • Grid and Space Combat Updates
  • Dating System Updates
  • Reputation System Updates


We are excited to announce the Fowcade will be returning in it’s previous glory sometime late November! We are launching with Valheim (lots of requests for this) – All other servers will be done on a popularity basis! If enough of you ask – We will do! (PVE Ark sounds fun, amirite?)


To keep it short here and if you are interested in more details about what I am up to I created a blog post at https://tibor.blog/2022/10/31/start-working-on-the-devotion-meter/

See you next month!

Bis bald,
Till Eulenspiegel