Hi folks,

Apologies for the later than usual diary, we’ve had a tough summer with several members leaving abruptly, which put us in a rather difficult position to try and recover lost ground. These things are part and parcel of working with a software team and a project of this nature. The good news is that with production of the next chapter now in full swing again, we are working towards the game’s completion as planned, and now it is time to share everyone’s hard work with you all.


It’s difficult to talk about what I’ve been working on this past month as most of it contains spoilers..!
But there’s been a lot of lip syncing, fleshlights, semen. Learning a new skill as well.

I grow as a defiler.


This week I’m working on dating animations for the next waifu. Dating isn’t really her forte so expect a lot of awkward glances and fidgeting.

Massimo Decimo Meridio

After working on various sex scenes for the past couple of months, I have been assigned to some really entertaining Grid Combat animations featuring a unit known as the Requital Commando!
I’m enjoying it so much!!
We also have a new upcoming girl that will melt down your eyes, but, no spoilers 😛


For this month, I’m almost done animating an important recruitment scene, giving our mystery girl a taste of the FOW treatment! I’ve been asked to make this one especially rough, which is my speciality!


I’ve been spending these days working on a variety of things like more lip-syncing, scenebuilding, and of course some of the dirty stuff that makes up Pandora.
Most of all though I’ve been busy blocking and animating a few cutscenes for the next couple of updates.
My favorite part of the work I’ve been doing lately is to get the different cutscenes to hit the right emotional chords in each scene. It’s just a lot of fun seeing these types of things come together. Can’t wait for you all to see it in game.


I’ve been hopping from one task to another lately, whether it’s for a cinematic, a pandora scene, or spraying cum everywhere. All that I can say to you coomer that is reading this, is to prepare to see some badass waifus in the upcoming update.

Hungry JJ


Recently I have been working on the next space combat main quest mission and the new co-pilot’s attack. The mission will take place in an underground facility with some light stealth gameplay and a mini boss fight. In addition to this, I have been integrating the next set of devotion trophies and icons for the new characters throughout the game.

Samantha Flowers

Hello everyone, it’s been awhile! Happy to report I have been hard at work on the soundscape of this block’s cinematics, which sadly I can’t go into detail due to spoilers, but I’ve been enjoying the variety, jumping between open blustery landscapes, and the many busy, bustling interiors.

Of course, not to be overlooked are the upcoming visual novel scenes. With the Mary Celeste crew becoming so large, it has been quite a challenge to set up and fit so many bodies with extremely varied shapes and sizes within the boundaries of our frame.


This month I got to work on a few more cool sci-fi environments and backgrounds, including this high-tec ‘vault’ which will be part of one of the upcoming story beats. Can’t yet say what will be housed within it, but it’s something to do with butts. ;^)


We worked on getting some additional skins working, such as ones with different hair colors. I also worked on a tan lines feature for the nude meshes.


Now that all the essential graphics for the upcoming block are ready, I’m working on the new UI screens that will come along with the future gameplay improvements! There are a lot of things coming up and it’s a challenge to avoid spoilers, so for now I want to share with you a sneak peek from the concepting process of the updated victory screen.

Bangkok ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Till the half-point of this block, I’ve designed:
– Two wacky new mantics.
– The Requital units’ ability kits that aim to bring a rather tricky set of encounters.
– A challenging 1v1 Grid Combat boss fight between two of my favorite Waifus.
– Three of the seven Waifu Devotion Quests that you guys can soon play once you’ve progressed a fair bit on their redesigned devotion meters.

Also, all Waifu Grid and Space Combat ability kits are ready for implementation, so hang in there!:)


Hello everyone, Fowchan here!
I have a few updates for community based shenanigans!

First of all, I am currently working on getting the Fowcade back up and running! Various servers for various fun for community games!
We are also looking into doing community game nights!

Second, we are currently looking into using Discords new forum system to help break some channels down further, allowing greater control of where you post your smut.

Third, we are aiming to bring a regular schedule for our v-babes! I can’t share much more information then that for the moment being, but be sure to keep an eye out for more updates on our standard channels!



Following a very long sick leave due to Covid and post-Covid problems the doctors gave me a green light, and I will be back on the 30th September to help the programming team. Please check out my latest blog entry at Tibor’s Blog if you are interested in more team related, personal and technical information. Thanks very much for your support!

See you next month!

Bis bald,
Till Eulenspiegel