Dear Subverse Users,

This is Tibor again to give you some updates about what is happening with Subverse.

I am reporting to you all that the team is focusing on the development of an upcoming patch as well as on the next block.

It is a good news for all Subverse fans that the game was Top 1 for more than a week on the GOG platform. We are proud that with your support an adult game could climb to the Top 1 spot both on Steam and GOG. That is a win for freedom of expression at large, hopefully together with you we can continue to push the envelope for adult games in the mainstream. A goal we can only aspire to thanks to your amazing support of this project.

With regards to the patch, we will fix minor issues and my aim is to finally introduce mission replayability in this patch. Let see how it goes in terms of development time, but the plan is to roll that patch out soon as it is stable, within the next 2 weeks. We know that replayability has been one of the most requested features since our initial launch into early access. Following the implementation of the replayable mission all players will be able to get that precious Gold level.

As for the next block: Taron is set to take centre stage! You can see some info about Taron at As for the timeframe of this next block, we will do everything we can to release it within 3 months, ideally earlier. We will give an exact date closer to launch and will be more communicative than we were with the last release.

Apart from progressing with the software development, we are busy on going through on the comments, suggestions, feedbacks and criticisms, posted on the Steam reviews & forums sections, at GOG and elsewhere on the Internet. By gathering your feedback we really want to understand how you feel about the game and what improvements you all want to see.

In the next few days we will publish a comprehensive Q & A here and at our blog site. We will address camera control, Pandora revamp, the state of the roadmap, questions about gameplay, the timeframe to get to 0.9 and then 1.0, and many-many other questions. Please post your questions, suggestions, criticism in the comments below this update and we will answer as much as is feasible. We will publish this Q & A in the next few days, by the 7th of November.

Then after the Q & A post, so in the following dev diary about 2 weeks later we will bring you some behind of scenes content to give you more idea how the team try to transform the ideas into a software applications.

In the meantime, please take care of yourself, stay safe and as always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support. I genuinely believe that with your wonderful support we can make Subverse the best game it can possibly be.

Best regards,
Head of Software Development, CTO, confused HR officer (CHRO), Ron Jeremy Educated Porn Content Reviewer (RJEPCR), temporary communication expert, cleaner of the 9 sq. meters Subverse small office, company director, gardener of the plants of the Subverse small office (3 items to garden), retirement home candidate, etc.